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Salvation -Dry Erase Board

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: 4 Most Important Things

Verse: The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is Eternal Life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23


dry Erase board with the word “Lives” printed on it
Paper big enough to cover the “i”



Who here thinks they remember the 4 Most Important Things? Well, since today is the first week back to Kidz Club in three weeks, I thought I would make a sign that would help you remember the first most important thing. Turn the sign around. Who and tell me the first most important thing.

Oh no! I did make a mistake. Well I can fix it. (Cut out a piece of paper and tape it over “lives”. Write “loves” on the paper.) There it is fixed.

The first most important thing is “God loves me.”

Well do you think a really fixed the sign. I mean can you tell that I just covered up my mistake.

You know this reminds me a lot about the second most important thing. What is the second most important thing? “I have sinned.”

Just like I made a mistake on my sign, we all make mistakes in our life. Some people try to cover up their mistakes by lying, cheating, keeping secrets. You might fool your mom or teacher or friends but guess what you will never fool God.

The real way to fix this sign is to erase my mistake and rewrite the word. This is what Jesus did when He died for us. He erased our sin and all the bad things we have done. They are gone forever.

What is the third most important thing? “Jesus died for me.”

That brings us to the very most important thing. #4 “I must decide to live for Jesus.”
Everybody in the world has a decision to make – to live for Jesus or not to live for Jesus. You tell me what the best decision is?

Pray with the kids.