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Cast Your Cares On Jesus

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: Cast all your cares on Him because He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7


Chenille wire for everyone
Golf club/ball
Fishing Pole
Can of Diet Pop
Can of Regular pop
2 pitchers of water
"Worry sack"
Pencil and paper for everyone



I. Introduction:
-Give all the kids a piece of chenille wire and have him or her form an animal.
-Talk about the kid's favorite animals.

II. God care for His creation.
-After God created the world, he created Adam.
-God put Adam in charge oh his creation and commanded Adam to take care His creation.
-Jesus talk about creation
1.He talked about the birds, and how God takes care of them by feeding them.
2.Jesus talked about how beautiful God made the flowers.

-Do you think you are just as important to God as His creation?
No- you are more important.

III. God cares about you. (Story about a golfer)
-Once there was a man who loved to golf, but he wasn't a good golfer.
-He was always losing his balls.
-Golf balls are very important in the game of golf-you can't golf without balls
-This man would hit the golf balls everywhere in the woods, in the trees, in the pond.
-He got so tired of always losing his balls or not being able to reach his balls that he made a golf ball retriever.
-This retriever could retrieve balls from trees, from the woods, from ponds. Remember golf balls are very important to a golfer.
-The golf ball reminds me of us. Sometimes we find ourselves in bad situations, tough situations-we need help-we need Jesus to rescue us.
-The golf ball retriever is like Jesus. God loves us so much and cares about us so much that He figured out away to rescue us - -through Jesus.
1.Jesus frees us from sin.
2.Jesus meets our needs.
3.Jesus protects us from danger.
4.Jesus takes care of us.

IV. We need to give Jesus our cares.
-The Bible tells us that we need to give Jesus our cares.
-This is something that can be hard for us to do.
-If we are really going to trust in Jesus-walk, talk and live like Jesus then we need to give Him all our worries.
-You know what most people do-they give God all their worries and then they reel them back in (like a fisherman). That's not good to do with our worries.
-2 pitchers of water
a. In the 1st on drop in a can of regular pop
i. It sinks to the bottom
b. In the 2nd drop in a can of diet pop
i. It’s floating.
ii. Why do you think it is floating?
-This little bag of sugar is what makes the difference.
iii. Regular pop has this much sugar
iv. Diet pop has none
-Sugar is like our worries. If we let them get the best of us they weigh us down.
-When we trust in Jesus each day-give our worries to Jesus each day-it will be easier not to reel them back in and not to let them weigh us down.

V. Conclusion: Worry Sack
-A good way to get your worries out of your brain and give them to Jesus is to have a worry sack.
-Putting our cares in a worry sack represents giving them to Jesus.
-Hand out paper to all the kids. Have them write down a worry and put it in the sack.