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Curdled Milk

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: The Lord Looks At the Heart. 1 Samuel 16:7


1 small carton of milk with a good expiration date
1 container of cottage cheese
1 spoon



Over the past several weeks we have been talking about how Christians should live - qualities we need in our life once we have decided to live for Jesus.

Who can name some of these qualities?
-Love others
-Forgive others
-Be honest (don't lie)
-Use self-control
-Be Holy (stay away from sin)
-Obey God

Why have we been talking about these things? Some of them are pretty hard to follow. What does it matter if we love others or stay away from sin?

The Bible teaches us in 1 Samuel 16:7 . . . the LORD looks at the heart."

What is in our heart is important to God. When we decide to live for Jesus our actions and the things in our heart must make Jesus happy.

Talk about the fact that potatoes grow in the dark and under the dirt. When you dig them up they are covered in dirt and not at all appetizing to look at. If someone had never seen or eaten one, they may turn their nose up at it by its appearance.

However, when you cut the potato open what do you see? It's clean and white. Ask the children what people use potatoes for. (i.e., potato chips, french fries, mashed potatoes...).

God doesn't look at the outside of any person to determine something about them, He looks at the inside. What is inside our heart is important to God!

We should be more concerned about what is on the inside of us than the outside. We may have the best of everything and have a dirty heart and all the designer clothes in the world won't help us look good.

We may not have the best of everything so we don't feel very important, however, God sees you as very important. He doesn't care what kind of shoes you wear, how you look, or what team you play for.

If you had never seen a potato before in your life, you would probably look at the outside and say "That looks nasty."

But we know what is on the inside of the potato - We know how good French fries, mashed potatoes, potato chips, etc. are.

Illustration #2

Items Needed:
1 small carton of milk with a good expiration date
1 container of cottage cheese
1 spoon

Beforehand:Open the non marked end of the carton carefully and remove 3/4 of the milk. Then carefully take a spoon and replace the milk with cottage cheese. Use super glue to re-seal the carton and use the usual opening to proceed.

Discussion:For me, there is nothing better with a good cookie than a cold glass of milk! I've tried water, kool aid, and other cold drinks but milk is all that satisfies a cookie thirst. The more cookies I eat, the more I want milk! (Eat a cookie or two then talk about how good the milk is gonna be, comment on the expiration date.) After you open the carton, pour out the lumpy contents so all the kids can see. Make a big deal about how disgusting this milk is-it is full of lumps. Tell how the outside of the carton decieved as to what was really inside. Never mention that it is just cottage cheese, make them think it is really curdled milk. i.e. make faces, fake gag, etc....

Conclusion: Wow! What just happened with your milk reminds me of what we talked about a few minutes ago with the potato - only it is kind of opposite of the potato. On the outside the potato looks nasty - but the inside is clean, pure, and good. On the outside this milk looks good - the date is good - it is cold - but on the inside it was nasty - lumpy and it had gone bad. I want you to think about yourself - what is on the inside of you? Do you have the things we have been talking about on your inside
-Love others
-Forgive others
-Be honest (don't lie)
-Use self-control
-Be Holy (stay away from sin)
-Obey God