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Run The Race

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: Run in such a way as to get the prize. 1 Corinthians 9:24




Today I have some challenges for you. I think you will have fun with them, although some of them are pretty hard.

#1 You can all try this. We will see who can actually do it. I am looking for someone who can walk forward with his or her feet pointing backwards. Demonstrate.

#2 Pick 2 teams to make a card stack. See who can stack their cards the tallest without them falling. Have a couple groups try.

#3 Pick 4 people to make rice pictures. Give each person a piece of construction paper. Tell them they have to make a picture of a house out of rice. They are only allowed to take one piece of rice out of the bowl at a time. The picture has to fill up the page.

-Did these challenges seem very difficult or almost impossible to anybody?
-In our lives we are going to face challenges that seem very hard or almost impossible to us?
-Who can think of one? (Learning to read, passing a test, playing an instrument)
-When we face these challenges, is it a good idea just to give up?
-We should never give up on anything.
-We need to persevere.
-What does persevere mean? To never give up even when discouraged and the circumstances look bad.

-The Bible teaches us to “Run in such a way as to get the prize” I Corinthians 9:24
-Paul who wrote the New Testament compared our life to a race.
-Who has ever run a race?
-If you want to win the race how do you have to run?
-If you are running a race that you want to win, and you fall down what do you do?
-If you are running a race and a runner passes you what do you do?
-If you are running a race and it starts raining outside what do you do?
-All these things could cause you to get distracted, but if you are determined to win you will let none of these things distract you or keep you from winning.
-Paul says when we run the race of life we should run it the same way.
-If we fall or make a mistake, we should get up and keep going?
-If we face a challenge we should keep going.
-We need to run the race of our Christian life like we are going to win.
-We need to stick it out to the end.