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Clean Hands

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9


Plate with a delicious donut on it
Wet wipes



-When I got up this morning what do you think I did?
-One of the most important things I did was take a shower so I would be all nice and clean for today. I didn't want to stink.
-Now I was thinking of eating this delicious donut. I just love these kinds of donuts they are so good.
-Before I eat this donut I know there is something I should be doing. I just can't remember.
-Let's see so far today. I changed Alex's dirty diaper. I Set up for Kidz Club. I even picked up a bunch of garbage from my yard that had blown there last night.
-Now I am about ready to eat this delicious looking donut - what should I do?
-I need to wash my hands. How could I forget? I showered this morning isn't that good enough? Do I need to wash my hands again? I thought once I showered I was clean for the day.
-That is not true is it. Just because I washed my hands once doesn't mean I don't need to wash them again.
-Who thinks or hands come in contact with a lot of dirt and germs in a day?
-If we want to stay healthy it is a good idea to wash our hands often during the day especially before we eat food.
-Wash you hands. Now I am ready to eat my snack.

-This whole hand washing thing reminds me of something.
-When we decide we are going to live for Jesus what does Jesus do?
-He forgives our sins.
-When Jesus forgives our sin, He cleans our heart - more than any bath or shower could ever clean our bodies.
-He gets rid of all the bad thoughts, feelings and attitudes inside of us.
-Who remembers what happens to our bad thoughts, feelings and attitudes?
-They disappear - God doesn't even remember them any more.
-Even after all that happens, it is impossible to stay totally clean.
-As long as we live on earth we are going to be surround by sin - bad thoughts, feelings and attitudes.
-We need to do everything we can to avoid sin.
-We need to do the best we can to walk talk and live like Jesus.
-Just like after a shower I don't usually go looking for dirt to roll around in.
-Who knows that you are going to get dirty sometimes?
-What can we do to get rid of the dirt again?
-Do we get saved again and decided to live for Jesus again? NO
-We need to ask Jesus to forgive us.

"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9

-Whenever we ask God to forgive us what does He do?
-He forgives us and we become clean again.