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Get Rid Of Garbage

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9


Flashlight full of garbage
* The best for this lesson would be to pre-plan whom your volunteer is going to be.



-I need a volunteer to come up and turn on my flashlight (while they do begin to talk).
-Jesus said that we are to be a light to the world and we need to shine Jesus’ light so everyone can see.
-Excuse me _________________ please turn the flashlight on. I am trying to teach the children about being the light of the world.
-Now that we are back to school it is really important that we are a light in our schools.
-To the volunteer – Why don’t you have that flashlight on yet? You just have to flick the switch.
-Sometimes it is hard to be the light of the world because we feel lonely. We have to decide to be different from everyone else.
-Volunteer – You are really annoying me – You are ruining my lesson – Just turn the light on please.
-Volunteer responds- It’s not working. I can’t get this light
-Well Let’s look inside to see why it is not working. Look inside – it is full of garbage. This flashlight will never work full of all that garbage. Have your volunteer help pull out the garbage – candy wrappers, toilet paper (“I hope it’s not used), Kleenex etc..
-All this garbage reminds me of something. It reminds me of sin.
-You know what as long as we have sin in our life we cannot shine for Jesus-just like this garbage was keeping this flashlight from working.
-We have to get all the garbage (sin) out of our life so that we can be a light to the world.
-If we are going to be a good example to our friends at school then we can’t walk, talk and live the way they do.
-We need to walk talk and live like Jesus.

We learned about some Good News in our Bible verse. If we are having a problem with sin in our life Jesus can help us. Remember, if we ask Jesus to help us stop sinning and tell him we are sorry for acting that way – Jesus will forgive us and give us a brand new start.

-Maybe some kids here today are having a problem with sin in your life. Maybe you have a problem with cursing, or not listen to your teacher, or getting in fights, or being disobedient.
-Right now we can pray with you and ask Jesus to forgive you and give you a new start

(You could have kids raise their hand or come to the front if they want prayer. You could each pray for kids or you could have the kids repeat a prayer after you)