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Sin Is A Trap

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: 4 Most Important Things

Verse: The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23


Monkey trap (box with a small hole just big enough to reach in and grab the banana)
Banana (large one)



Deep in the jungles of Africa there was a tribe who was trying to make a living out of
catching monkeys. The kind of monkeys they were trying to catch were very smart, so nothing was working. They tried all kinds of traps and all kinds of hunting techniques.

Finally one day one of the young warriors in the tribe brought a trap that looked like this box with a little hole. Inside the hole was a banana. We all know how much monkeys like bananas. Nobody thought this new trap would work. After all what did this young warrior know about hunting monkeys. Nobody else had ever caught a monkey and they had been trying for years.

They set the trap out and a few warriors hid behind some trees. They watched a monkey ran up to the box. He sniffed around the box. Then the monkey reached in a grabbed a hold of the banana. The monkey tried and tried to pull that banana out of the box but it wasn’t working. He tried for a very long time. The monkey refused to let go of the banana and run away. So it was the trap was a success. The monkey was trapped because he wouldn’t let go of the banana. The warriors snuck up on the monkey and captured him.

-A lot of people are like this monkey. They refuse to let go of sin.
-Just like this trap led to the death of this monkey, sin leads to death

Romans 6:23 “The wages of sin is death . . .”

-A lot of people like their sin too much to let go of it.
-You could name specific sin you are dealing with (unforgiveness)
-Today all you have to do is let go of the sin in your life and decide to follow Jesus then you can have life

“The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is Eternal Life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”