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Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9





1. Hold the rope out to show that it is one piece
2. Fold the rope in half
3. When you are ready to cut the rope in half, bring the folded part of the rope up as if you are going to cut it, but as you do loop the half way part with a part of the rope closer to the top. You are actually cut just a little bit at the top of the rope.
4. Let the 2 long pieces fall out of your hand so it looks like you cut the rope.
5. Tie an knot in the 2 small pieces. You can tie a few knots.
6. When you want to “restore” the rope just pull the knot down the rope.

When we decide to live for Jesus we need to do our best every day to walk, talk, and live the way He wants us to.

We need to live like a wise person.

God’s plan for our life is for us to be connected with God.

(Hold up rope –hold out the long way to illustrate being connected)

When we are connected with God,
-He can speak to us about our lives
-He can help us make good decisions

Sometimes we do things that make it seem as if we have separated ourselves from God.

Has this ever happened to you?

You feel like you really blew it – like you separated yourself from God.

What are some things you have done to make you feel separated from God?
-Got in a fight
-Watched a bad TV show
-Stopped coming to church or Kidz Club

These things we do, make it seem as if we are separated from God.

(Cut the rope)

Some people after they do these types of things they try to make up for it.

They try to please God by going to church lots.

(Tie the rope in a knot.)

They promise themselves they will never do that again.

They try to be extra good the next day

(Hold the rope up with the knot in it.)

None of these things really fix our relationship with God.

There is only one thing that will fix our relationship with God

1 John 1:9 says – If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

If we want to be connect back to God. . .

If we want to be restored , , ,

. . . . we need to confess our sins

We need to talk to God about the wrong things we have done.

We need to ask God to forgive us.

When we do this. . We will be restored

(Pull the knot off the piece of rope)