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Walking Like Jesus

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: Whoever claims to follow Him must walk as Jesus did. 1 John 2:6


wild west costume
army costume
signs-fight-love others-Hate your enemies-Make fun of other people-Give to those in need-Help others-pray for people-name calling,
good boy costume
bad boy costume



A. Introduction
-Have you ever noticed the way people walk?
-Dancers often walk on their tiptoes . . .
-Someone who is hurt might walk like this . . .
-Someone from the wild west may walk like this . . .
-Someone from the army may walk like this . . .
-Do you recognize this walk (have someone walk like a chicken) . . .
-Someone who is excited may walk home from school like this (skipping)
-Do you recognize this walk? (Walk like an Egyptian)

-A person would look silly walking around like a chicken, someone in the army would look silly skipping happily along, a cowboy would look silly walking like a ballerina.

How do you think Jesus walked?

-1 John 2:6 tells us that whoever claims to follow Jesus must walk as Jesus did.
a. Who here thinks they are a Christian?
b. How do you walk? (Have a volunteer come and demonstrate)
c. Did Jesus skip, march, tiptoe . . . .How did Jesus walk? That is how we are to walk . .

-This verse means that God wants us to live like Jesus lived. Hold up signs and ask the class if this was the way Jesus lived or not.

1. Fight
2. Love others
3. Hate your enemies
4. Make fun of other people
5. Give to those who need help
6. Help others
7. Pray for people

-Jesus followed the commandments in the Bible. Just because Jesus was God’s Son does not mean He could do whatever He wanted. Jesus obeyed and followed His Father-God.

-How do we walk like Jesus?
-Learn more about Jesus life, and then live our life the same way.
-How do we learn more about Jesus life?
1. Reading our Bible
2. Going to church
3. Coming to the after school program

C. Conclusion: The Prodical’s Son - (Pick 2 boys)
-Who thinks you always try to do what is right? You try to be a good kid.
-Who thinks you are a really bad kid?
-We all know people that fit into both these categories.
-Jesus told a story about a man who had 2 sons. One son decided to live like Jesus but the other one didn’t at first. Listen to what happens when he changes his mind.
-The first son whose name was ________________ was a really good son. He did everything his father ever asked him to do. He always obeyed the rules. He always helped out. He did really good in school.
-The second son whose name was _________________ was really bad.
-He always got out of doing his chores. He broke all his parents rules. He never came home on time. He never cleaned his room. He never studied or did his homework.
-Since the second son was so bad and did so bad in school, he did not want to go to college
-One day _____________went to his dad and asked him for the money his dad had been saving for him for college so he could leave.
-At first the dad did not want to give him the money but then he did.
-The son went out and wasted all the money. He didn’t even get himself a place to live or food. He just partied and wasted it all.
-Pretty soon he was hungry and homeless.
-He decided to go and ask his father for a job---Home he went.
-While he was still a long way off the father saw him coming. What do you think he did?
-He ran to his son, threw his arms around him and hugged him.
-The son said “I am so ashamed of myself I have done everything wrong. I don’t deserve to be your son.”
-But the Father said, “You are my son and I love you. I want to celebrate because you have come home.”

-We have all acted like the bad son. We have done some wrong things.
-But God loves us and he is waiting for us even when we mess up- just like the father in this story.
-All we have to do is what the son did -say “God I have messed up. I have done things wrong.”
-God will forgive us.
-Then we decide to walk like Jesus walked (like the first son)-go through the good signs of how Jesus lived.