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Sin Is Disgusting

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: 4 Most Important Things

Verse: There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death. Proverbs 16:25


2 – 2 liter of a dark pop
1 pair of dark underwear-youth or adults
Large bowl or bucket
Styrofoam cups


Buy dark underwear. Cut off the elastic, and shove it in one of the bottles of pop. It will take some time and be messy. Use the 2nd bottle of pop to top off the first one once the underwear is in the bottle. Make sure the underwear soaks up the pop and sinks to the bottom. You may need to use a stick to help with this. Make sure you have a sharp knife or pair of scissors handy for during your lesson. You may want to have a bucket or bowl to squeeze out the underwear over.


Today before we start our lesson I brought a little treat. I brought some pop, and I would like to share this pop with some boys and girls here.

I know some of you get thirsty running around and playing games

Pick some volunteers to come up and drink some pop. Have them sit down.

Wow! I still have some left. Who else wants a drink?

Pick some more volunteers to come up and drink some pop.

When the 2-litre is less than half full make this announcement. (Make sure some people are still at the front drinking their pop to get a good reaction out of them.)

You know as I am pouring this pop I think there is something in the bottom of this bottle besides pop. It feels a little strange and heavy.

What to do: Get a pair of scissors or a sharp knife and cut the top off the bottle
Reach in a pull out a pair of underwear. You should be puzzled about what it is. Squeeze the pop out of it over a bowl, and hold it up for everyone to see.

“That is so gross. This is someone’s underwear. How did it get in my bottle of pop?”

Volunteer: Those are my underwear. I just read on the internet that if you soak your underwear in pop, the stains will come out. I forgot which bottle of pop I put my underwear in!

Boys and girls, who thinks that is disgusting?

This reminds me of something else that is disgusting. Can anyone guess what I am thinking of?

It reminds me of sin.

What is sin? The things we do the make God sad.

Sin ruins everything and it is disgusting.

There is something else about sin we need to learn:

Sin can be sneaky

Boys and girls, you had no idea there was dirty underwear in this bottle of pop. On the outside it looked so good, especially to those of us who were really thirsty. Would you have ever thought you would find something so gross in your bottle of pop. – Not in a million years. Who drank the pop? Who regrets drinking the pop?

Sin can work the same way. Sin can be sneaky. On the outside, sin can look fun. You friends can make it sound like the greatest thing in the world. Your older brothers and sisters can make it sound exciting and attractive.

Then all of a sudden, right when you are in the middle of sin, you realize how terrible it is. You realize it is ruining your life. You realize that it is disgusting.

Bible Verse: There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death. Proverbs 16:25

Conclusion: Sin can seem right according to our friends, our family, and our peers. Remember Sin leads to death and destruction. Sin is disgusting. It will ruin your life.