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Serving Each Other Makes Life So Much Easier

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: Through love, serve one another. Galatians 5:13


2 sticks
2 volunteers
2 bowls of grapes



-Have you ever thought about how important your elbows are?
-Pick two volunteers to come up to the front.
-Tie a piece of wood to the inside of their arm (so it won’t move) making sure it crosses over their elbows.
-Have them stand at the table and eat something – grapes work well.
-Watch them try to eat grapes. It is impossible to eat grapes without your elbows.
-How could you help each other eat the grapes?
-Have the volunteers demonstrate
-The Bible tells us that one of the best ways to love each other is by serving or helping each other.