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Why Is Jesus So Important

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: Give your worries to the Lord. He will take care of you. He will never let good people down. Psalm 55:22


Peanut butter
2 plates
2 knives



-Tell me about some things in your life that are important to you.
-Doing good in school

-Can you tell me something that is more important than all these things?
-The very most important thing in the whole entire universe is “Living for Jesus.”
-The most important decision you make in your life is the decision to live for Jesus.
-Today I am going to choose 2 volunteers who are going to help me show you just how important it is for you to have Jesus in your life.

Object lesson:
-Choose 2 volunteers to come to the front
-Set up a table in front of them with peanut butter, jelly, bread, 2 knives and 2 plates
-Today my volunteers are going to make some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
-Who likes peanut butter and jelly sandwiches? If pastor Eric were here we would be making peanut butter and tuna sandwiches.
-Ask the volunteers if the know how to make Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches?
-When I say go you are to make the best sandwich you can in the quickest time you can.
-Are you ready?
-There is just one more thing I have to do.
-Put your right hand behind your back. (Tie it there)
-Now you can only use your left hand.
-Have them make the sandwiches.
-Either announce how ling it took once they are done or end it if they are unable to complete the task.

-Was it hard to make the sandwiches with only one hand?

-Boys and Girls, trying to live your life without Jesus is like trying to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with one hand.
-Living life without Jesus makes your live much more difficult.
-Sometimes things will even seem impossible when you try to live your life without Jesus.
-When we decide to live for Jesus – He is there for us to help us through every situation and difficulty we face.
-Jesus helps us when we are scared
-Jesus helps us when we are lonely
-Jesus helps us stand up for what is right
-Jesus helps us when we have to do something really hard
-Jesus helps us when we are sad or going through something that is really hard
-Jesus helps us to be happy and enjoy life

Bible Verse: Give your worries to the Lord. He will take care of you. He will never let good people down. Psalm 55:22

-Say verse in different voices

Conclusion: Maybe there are some boys and girls here today that have some worries or cares. When you decide to live for Jesus - you can give that worry to Jesus and He will help you.

Song: Turn It Over To Jesus