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Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. . . Let us fix our eyes on Jesus… Hebrews 12:1-2


Duct tape
Pieces of paper with sin and weights written on them



i. Not allowed to hold on to anything
ii. Not allowed to switch feet
iii. Not allowed to stop hopping
iv. If you do any of these things you need to sit down.
v. When I blow the whistle the game is over
-Who kept going and going and going and going?
-What happened? Did you get tired? Did you feel like giving up?
-Introduce perseverance.
vi. Means you keep going and going and going and going no matter what

Perseverance Is Like Running A Race
-Who has ever run a race?
-Who has ever run a race?
-Who has ever competed in cross-country or track and field at school?
-What do you do before you run those races?
-How is it to practice and work at something?
-Some people give up because they think it is too hard, but God wants us to never give up at anything we try to do.
-Perseverance is when you keep going and going and going.
-Great athletes keep going and going and going until they win.
-Students keep working and working and working until they pass
-Piano players keep practicing and practicing and practicing until they can play the piano
-Christians keep going and working and preaching until they change a city.

Set-up: Tape up the sins and weights on a nearby wall.

-Emilie is about to perform a very difficult task. She is going to balance this stick on the tips of her fingers. She will switch fingers.
-Emilie demonstrates. Have her switch fingers. Have her demonstrate a few times.
-I want to draw your attention to where her eyes are.
-While Emilie is balancing the stick notice that her eyes are focused upwards – at the top of the stick.
-Emilie is not looking around she is not letting anything else distract her.
-Now Emilie while you are balancing the wooden stick, I want you to read the list of things we have hung on the wall. When she tries the stick will fall.
-Notice when Emilie got distracted with the things on the wall, the stick fell.
-Read off the things on the wall.
-When Emilie took her eyes off the stick, she could no longer perform the task.
-We can learn a very important lesson from this.
-In order to live for Jesus and complete the tasks He has for us, we must keep our eyes focused on him – “Looking unto Jesus”.
-We cannot not afford to look at or focus on other things, like some of the things written on the wall. When we do, we will not be able to focus on what Jesus wants us to do.

We need to have perseverance!!!!