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Love Through Obedience

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: This is love for God: to obey His commands. I John 5:3


masking tape (tape a line down the middle isle)
Jump rope



-Today we are going to pretend this line of masking tape is a tightrope.
-I need a volunteer to walk down the tightrope
-Have someone: walk backwards, run skip etc.
-That wasn’t very hard was it?
-Now get an older volunteer to hold the jump rope with you.
-Now we are going to pretend this rope is a tight rope.
-Ask for a volunteer to come a walk on the new tight rope.

-The first pretend tight rope was pretty easy to walk on and so lots of you wanted to walk across it.
-The second tight rope was a lot harder to walk on so not so many people wanted to walk on it
-What if I asked for volunteers to walk across Niagara Falls on a tight rope probably nobody would really want to try it.
-This game reminds me of the life of many Christians.
-Just like the first tight rope was easy to walk on, it is easy for most of us to be a Christian and obey God at church, Kidz Club and around other Christians. In these situations most people are willing to say that they are Christians.
-Now the second tight rope was a little harder so most of you weren’t willing to walk this tight rope.
-When we are at school and in our neighborhoods, it is harder to be a Christian. Most of you are not willing to be a Christian at school or in your neighborhood. Do you think this is right?
-The Bible says people will know our love for God because we obey Him. Does this mean only sometimes we need to obey Him?
-No matter what situation we face we need to obey God if we truly have decided to love Him.
-Sometimes it might feel uncomfortable. It might be unpopular.
-God will always give us the strength we need to stand up for Him.