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100% Pure For God

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: These people show honor to me with words, but their hearts are far away from me. Their worship of me is worthless. The things they teach are nothing but human rules they have memorized. Matthew 15:8-9


1 hollow candy
1 chocolate on the outside - mixed inside
1 pure milk chocolate candy bar



1. Review

Who are "these people" in this verse?
(People who are religious and go to church)

Do we want to be like "these people"?
(No because their hearts are far from God)

What are "these people" like?
(Fake, say one thing do another)

What are the 2 types of Christians in churches today?
(real and fake)

Tell me more about fake Christians.
-Look nice on the outside but their hearts are a mess
-Don't grow closer to God -have no relationship with God
-They can't truly worship God because they are not "alive"
-Have all kinds of rules but never really follow them

Tell me more about real Christians
-They are spiritually alive because they have a relationship with God
-Their heart is right with God
-Their hearts are close to God - inside and out is the same
-They can truly worship God
-Their relationship with God will die if they do not take care of it
-Their relationship with God will grow if they feed it
-Real Christians reproduce other Christians by telling others about Jesus


-Today I brought some candy bars to further explain what we are talking about.
-I want to make sure there is no question in your mind about what kind of Christian you are.
-There are too many fake Christians in churches today that think they are okay with God.
-I do not want fake Christians in Kidz Club.
-It would be better for you to say that you don't want to be a Christian than to be a fake Christian.

Candy Bar #1 (Hollow)

-Choose a volunteer to come up and break open this candy.
-What is on the inside - nothing it is hollow
-Notice how it crumbled when the volunteer put pressure on it

-A lot of fake Christians in churches today are like this candy bar
-On the outside they look good
-On the inside they are hollow
-When they get under pressure their walk with God crumbles because they never really had one to begin with

Candy Bar #2 (Not pure on the inside)

-Choose a volunteer to come up and break open this candy bar.
-What is on the inside - creamy - some chocolate
-Notice that it is not pure on the inside but there is some chocolate

-There are also fake Christians in our churches today that are like this candy bar
-On the outside they look good
-On the inside they are not totally living for God
-Sometimes they serve God, sometimes they have other things that are more important
-These people live a double life - depending on where they are and who is watching they live for God, but when no one is around they live they way they want to

Candy Bar #3 (Pure Chocolate)

-Choose a volunteer to come up and break open this candy bar
-What is on the outside of this candy bar?
-What is on the inside of this candy bar?
-Is there anything else in this candy bar besides chocolate?
-This candy bar is 100% pure chocolate
-This candy bar shows us the way God wants our relationship with Him to be - 100% pure
-This doesn't mean we will be perfect
-God wants us to be a Christian 100% of the time
-When we fail God wants us to come to Him and ask forgiveness - to try to hide what we have done

Conclusion: If you consider yourself a Christian today, raise your hand. Now I want you to think about your Christianity - is it pure the way God wants it. Are you living for God 100% of the time? Are you a Christian when nobody is looking? When you fail do you ask God to forgive you or do you try to hide what you have done?

Have kids break into groups and pray for each other