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Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature. Mark 16:15


a few volunteers



1. Introduction:

-For several weeks we have been talking about Mark 16:15 – the reason – because it is one of the most important verses in the Bible.
-What does this verse mean to you?
-God has one main purpose for you after you become a Christian – What is it?

2. “Go”
-Victoria go to the girls bathroom and back
-Emilie go turn the lights off and sit back down in your seat
-__________ go get a piece of candy.
-____________ go sit on the boys side
-What do all these people have in common – I told them to go do something so they got out of their seat and went and did it.
-The word “go” requires action.
-It requires getting up – out of your house, out of your bed, out of your seat and going and doing something.
-If your mom tells you to do something, do you do it?
-If your dad tells you to do something, do you do it?
-If your teacher tells you to do something, do you do it?
-If Tomaine told you to do something, would you do it?
-If God tells you to do something, would you do it?

3. Conclusion:
-God is telling us something very important in Mark 16:15 – the sad thing is that a lot of people are not listening
-What is God telling us – GO and preach the Gospel
-God didn’t say -when you get around to it mention me to your friends. He said “GO”
-God didn’t say – if your are walking down the street and you see someone you could invite them to church. He said “GO”
-God didn’t say – if there is an opportunity try to tell you parent that I love them. He said, “GO”.