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Who Will You Imitate

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: Be Imitators of God… Ephesians 5:1


Overhead with to lists of words
Slush powder
2 cups




-When we decide to live for Jesus, we need to become imitators of Jesus.
-The Bible teaches: “Be Imitators of God . . . Ephesians 5:1

Chubby Bunnies
You need:
2 girls
2 boys
Garbage can / Bag
Object: Each player is to put one marshmallow in his or her mouth and then say “chubby bunnies”. If they do that successfully then they put another marshmallow in their mouth and say “chubby bunnies”. The winner is the person that can put the most marshmallows in their mouth and say “chubby bunnies” without chewing or swallowing the marshmallows. A player can quit anytime by spitting out his or her marshmallows in the garbage. If a player cannot say “chubby bunnies” is caught chewing or swallowing their marshmallows they are out.

What can Jesus do?

Be kind
Be humble
Be greedy
Be patient
Be dishonest
Tell the truth

-I have 2 lists of words on the screen. (read the words with the kids.)
-What do all the words in column one have in common?
-What do all the words in column two have in common?
-The Bible teaches us in John 5:19 “ Jesus can do nothing by himself; he can only do what he sees his Father doing because whatever the Father does the son (Jesus) does.”
-What do the words in column one have in common?
-What do the words in column two have in common?
-What list of Words do you think best describe God-the Father?
-What list of words do you think best describe Jesus?
-Jesus could heal the sick because His Father did that
-Jesus served and loved others because he learned it from his father

-When we decide to live for Jesus, we become God’s children or followers of God.
-Remember the Bible wants us to imitate God.
-So which set of words should describe us.

Following Others leads to trouble

-If we imitate or follow God – we will be kind, loving, patient, tell the truth
-The problem comes in when we try to act like other people around us.
-When we imitate others we get ourselves into trouble.
-Let me show you.
-Choose a volunteer
-Make them promise to do everything you do just as you do it.
-Wave at the audience, do some goofy things, do some exercises
-Decide that you need a drink
-Pour some water in a cup (your cup should have slush powder in the bottom of it)
-Pretend to take a drink and then dump it on your head.
-_______________ got themselves into trouble because they were following me.

Conclusion: We get ourselves into trouble when we follow our friends, family members and other people. We start doing things off list number 1. The bible teaches that we need to follow and imitate only Jesus. When we do we will do things on list number 2.
