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We Are Equal To God

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: God does not see the same way people do. People look at the outside of a person, but the Lord looks at the heart. 1 Samuel 16:7


1 dime
2 nickels
10 pennies



-Today I brought some money to church
-Who likes money?
-What would you do with a million dollars?
-What would you do with one dollar?
-In the first pile I am going to put 10 pennies
-In the second pile I am going to put 2 nickels
-In the third pile I am going to put 1 dime
-Do these stacks look the same or different?
-Which stack is worth more money?

-Even though these stacks all look different, they are equal. They have the same value
-What could you buy at the corner store for $0.10?
-You could buy the same thing with each stack of money.

We are all equally valuable to God
-Just like the coin stacks are all equal in value it is the same with us.
-Look around the room, we are all different, but God all equally loves us.
-When you go back to school especially on the first day, you look around your new classroom and check everyone out.
-You look at what everyone’s wearing and how they are sitting and you think to yourself “That person looks nice, That person looks mean, That person looks weird”
-God does not look at people like that.
-When God checks us out, he looks at the heart.
-God doesn’t care about what shoes you have or what clothes you wear
-When God looks at your heart he sees how special he made you and all the special gifts he put inside of you.

-When God looks at our heart he either sees a heart that is full of love for Him and a heart that is trying to walk, talk and live like Jesus or He sees a heart that doesn’t really care about Him.
-When God looks at your heart what do you want him to see?