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Jesus Has The Solution

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: Plant yourself in Christ and let Him be the foundation for your life. Col 2:7


A piece of wood with a nail sticking out of it.
A bag full of different “tools” – sponge, apple, screw driver, hammer, rag, etc.




For the past couple months on Sunday we have been talking about making Jesus the foundation of our life.

We have talked about how He needs to be Number One in our life. He needs to come before anything else in our life.

We have talked about how we need to read the Bible because the Bible helps us to know how to live the way Jesus wants us to.

Now the Bible tells us some practical things we should do, so that Jesus is the foundation of our life. We are going to talk about some of these.

But first I have to solve a problem. . .

Problem: I have this piece of board. It has a nail sticking out of it. I wanted to pound the nail into the board, so that none of you get hurt.

Discussion: Before class I was trying and trying to get the nail in the board but nothing will work. I am so frustrated. Let me try again.

I have a bag of tools. I am going to show you what I have tried. I don’t understand why they are not working.

(Look in your bag and pull out something you brought)

Try to hammer the nail with all sorts of strange things. . . a sponge, an apple, a pen, a cloth, Frisbee, a sock etc . . .

I am getting really frustrated. I cannot find a solution to my problem. Nothing is working!!

I think I am going to ask someone to help me - - (Find a child and have them come find something in your bag that will work)

(They should pull out the hammer)

Are you sure this will work?

(Try it)

Solution: Boys and girls, we can learn something very important from this. You see, we all face problems in our life. Sometimes we come up with very funny and strange solutions to our problems. . .

…we try to cover them up. . .
…we avoid people they involve. . .
…we make up good stories or lie about he situation. . .

The fact is there is only one solution to all our problems – Jesus.

We need to put our trust in Jesus. We need to talk to Jesus about the situations we face and the problems we have.

When we talk to Jesus, He will help us solve our problems. He will help us in every situation.

If we try to solve our own problems or fix our own situations, we will have a mess. We will probably fail (just like I did). We will end up doing some very silly things.

Conclusion: We need to talk to Jesus about every situation in our life. He is not going to barge into our life and take over. We need to invite His help! We need to ask Him to help us everyday! When we talk to Him and ask for His help-He will answer. He will help us.