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Sowing and Reaping

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: Whatever a man sows that he will also reap. Galatians 6:7


Different seeds and coordinating vegetables



Introduction: Today we are going to learn a very important principle in the Bible. It is called “sowing and reaping”. That might sound hard to understand but it is easy

Object Lesson: Planting and Harvesting

-I love to work in the garden.
-It is getting nice out, so I thought I would grow some vegetables this year.
-What is your favorite veggie? What veggie do you hate the most?
-It would save me some money since I have 7 people to feed at every meal.
-I bought these seeds (flower seeds) to grow my vegetables.
-What kind of vegetables do you think I can grow with these seeds?

You know the Bible talks about this very thing.

Galatians 6:7 “Whatever a man sows that he will also reap.”

-The words sowing and reaping might be confusing to you. There are kind of old fashion words.
-“To sow” means “ to plant” and “to reap” means “to harvest”

“Whatever a man plants that he will also harvest”

So if I plant _______________, I will harvest ________________

-Now the Bible wants us to apply this to our lives. How do you think that is possible?
-Did the Bible teach us about how to garden?
-The Bible is talking about our actions.

-For example: If we are hateful towards others, others will hate us
If we say mean things to others, others will say mean things back.
If we lie to others, others will lie to us.

If we love others, others will love us
If we forgive others, others will forgive us.
If we are kind to others, others will forgive us.

Conclusion: Before we act we should think about how we want others to treat us. Remember that you will receive back the same kinds of things you do to others.