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Obeying Jesus

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: If you love me, you will obey what I command. John 14:15


Balloon animal
Lego car




For the last few weeks we have been talking about important characteristics we need to have if we are going to truly live for Jesus.

Let’s list the ones we have talked about:
1. Loving others
2. Self-control
3. Being Truthful
4. Forgiving others – not holding a grudge

Today I want to talk about another important quality we need to have – Obedience.

We need to obey God!

It is not always easy to obey God

Sometimes there are things that keep us from obeying God. What could some of those things be:

1. Friends
2. Family
3. Our schedule
4. The Devil


Choose a volunteer to come and sit in a chair at the front.

Today I am going to show you how easy it is to prevent someone from doing something that is easy to do.

I am going to show you that I can prevent ________ from getting out of the chair.

Who thinks I can do this?

Have them sit with their back against the back of the chair. Have them put their feet in front of them. Instruct them not to move their feet. Put your finger on their forehead. Instruct them to get up –remember they cannot move their feet.

(It is impossible to get up)

This illustration show us how easy it is to prevent someone from doing something that is not very difficult at all. We all get up and down out of our chairs several times a day. Suddenly, I have stopped this person from getting up and down out of their chair.

Memory Verse:

The Bible teaches us . . .

If you love me you will obey what I command. John 14:15

Obeying God is something we all want to do. But there are thing – little things everyday that keep us from obeying God. These things shouldn’t get in our way but sometimes they do. We need to recognize the things that keep us from obeying God and we need to get rid of them.

Object Lesson:

Obeying God is easy.

I brought some things with me today. (Pull them out of your bag)

What do all these things have in common?

They all require instructions to make or put together. They all require that a person follows the instructions in order to successfully make or put the items together.


If we are going to live for Jesus. . . . if we love Jesus then we must OBEY HIM.

Our Instruction booklet is the BIBLE