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Walk The Narrow Path

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these thing shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33


Duct tape –make a line down the center of the room
Items that represent things which would take us away from Christ
-Pizza box
-Garbage Bag
-Sports equipment



1. Introduction:

Does anyone remember the verse in the Bible we talked about last week?

Mathew 6:33 - “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these thing shall be added unto you.

Practice saying the verse in different voices

What does it mean?

Seek – to search for, to direct your attention to

We need to search for and direct our attention to God First, and then everything else will fall into place – our education, our family, our free time, happiness.

2. The Narrow Road

The Bible refers to life being like a road, a path, a narrow gate.

Today I have made the world’s narrowest path right down the center of the room.

The Bible teaches us that if we are going to live for Jesus that we must stay on the narrow road or path.

We need to direct our attention and stay on the narrow path if we want to follow Jesus.

Have Pastor Eric demonstrate following the narrow path. Have a couple other people volunteer.

The key is not to get distracted by other things.

Remember this verse says to FIRST put your attention on God

Now let’s see what could happen if we start to put our attention on other things first

Garbage – sin
Pizza Box – parties
Telephone – friends
Blindfold – Love is blind
Sports equipment
Guitar - music

Now Pastor Eric walk the narrow path.

3. Conclusion: It is impossible to walk the narrow path when we do not put God first in our life. Jesus needs to be first. WE need to direct our attention to Jesus.