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You Are Special Treasures

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: I will praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139:14


Plastic Coins


(Before class begins hide some plastic coins around the room. Tape them under chairs etc.)


Today we are going to have a treasure hunt. I have hidden some plastic coins around the room. When I say, “go” I want you to try and find them. To make this fair everyone is only allowed to find one coin. Once you find a coin you can either sit down or help someone else find one. When we are done you can trade in your coin for a piece of candy.

-Who had fun looking for the coins?
-Each of these coins has a value. It might not be as much as a real gold coin but each coin is worth a piece of candy so that gives it value.
-In order to get our candy at the end of the lesson you need to take care of your treasure right?
-Did you know there are more treasures in this room? Who can name them?
-The treasures I am talking about are you guys.
-What is a treasure? It is something that has value. It could be anything – a favorite stuffed animal, a favorite toy, a letter from a friend.
-We are all valuable to God. God created us all special and to God we are worth a lot.
-What makes us valuable and special? Our looks, the gifts God has given us, our personality, the things we want to do with our life.
-Let’s go back to how we should treat our treasures. How have you been treating your treasure you found earlier?
-How should we treat God’s treasures (each other)?
-We need to show respect and kindness to each other because the person beside you is a treasure.
-Sometimes it is hard to treat someone who is being mean to you kindly isn’t it. A good thing to remember is that they are God’s treasure.

Cash in your coin for a candy.

Conclusion: Remember the other people around you at Kidz Club, your family and the people in you neighborhood are God’s treasures. Treat them with respect.