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Predicting The Future

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God. Romans 14:12


Envelope –inside a piece of paper with the number 1089 written on it
Dry Erase Board


Game: Prediction

Choose a volunteer. Announce that you can make a prediction about a number that your volunteer is going to choose. Have the volunteer choose a 3-diget number. The only rule is that the numbers in that number are not allowed to repeat themselves. (For example 231, 678, 931 etc. .)

I have made a prediction about this number that you have chosen today. Hand the volunteer the envelope to hold on to. Inside this envelope is written my prediction. We are going to see if my prediction is correct in just a few moments.

1. I am going to take the opposite of your number and subtract the two numbers.

For example 281 would be: 281-182

For example 349 would be: 943-349

2. I am going to take the opposite of your answer and add it to the answer.

281-182= 099 + 990 = 1089

943-349= 594 + 495 = 1089

3. I want you to open the envelope and read the number written on the piece of paper. The number in the envelope is 1089.

My prediction was correct.


What does “prediction” mean?
-to declare something in advance

Everyone wants to be able to predict things. They want to know what is going to happen in the future like:
-Who are they going to marry?
-How many children will they have?
-How long will they live?
-Where will you live?
-Is something bad going to happen?
-Is something good going to happen?

Weathermen try to predict the weather.
Fortunetellers try to predict what will happen in a person’s life

God is the only one who knows the future.

It is actually wrong for us to try and find out about our future.

We need to put our trust in God for our future.

PREDICTION: There is One Sure thing we can know about the future.

One day – it will be at a different time for all of us

One each of us will stand before God and give an account for our life.

We will have to explain to God
Why we made the choices we made
Why we did the things we did
Why we lived the way we lived

Each of us will be responsible to give God an explanation of our life

What are you going to say?

How is your account going to make God feel?

How is your account going to affect where you spend eternity?

Some boys and girls think – that is so far away. I will live the way I want to now. When I get older I will live for God.

God wants you to live for Him now.