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Don’t Put Your Trust In Other Things

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5


1 glass
Pitcher of water
Lemon juice
Salt (looks like sugar)



-Today I would like to make some lemonade with the class.
-Who can tell me the ingredients in lemonade? (Lemon juice, sugar, water)
-Who thinks they can come up to the front and make lemonade?

(Have the volunteer make lemonade, one ingredient at a time. Have them stir it up, and then taste it. It will taste nasty.)

-I don’t understand why it tastes bad. You put all the ingredients in the lemonade.

-Instead of adding sugar to the lemonade you added salt.
-The salt looks just like sugar but it is not.
-I tricked you just the way the devil likes to trick us.
-Sometimes we find ourselves in situations where the devil tries to trick us into disobeying God
-Sin sometimes looks good. Sometimes at first it doesn’t appear to be really bad.
-Sometimes when the devil tricks us into sin, we think, “I’m not really disobeying God.”

Bible Story:
-Who remember the Garden of Eden?
-God created this wonderful garden for Adam and Eve to live in
-He told them they could eat anything in the garden except the fruit from a certain tree.
-What did the devil do – He tricked Eve into eating the fruit from that tree.
-Ever since then, the devil has been hard a work trying to trick us into doing things that disobey God.

-We should never trust the devil or the thoughts he puts in our mind..
-The only person we should trust is Jesus – in every situation.
-We should ask ourselves in every situation “What would Jesus do?”

The only person we should put our trust in is Jesus. The Bible says, “God’s Word is truth.” So we should learn what God’s Word says and follow what it says. By doing this we are putting our trust in Jesus.