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Keep Your Eye On The Prize

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: I press towards the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:14




a. The Bible talks about seeking God first in our lives.
b. When we seek God first, He will take care of our other needs and desires.
c. The problem is when we put everything else first, before God.
d. To show that this doesn’t work, I have an experiment for you.
e. Have a girl and a boy come to the front. Put a drink in front of them.
f. The drink represents the love of God.
g. Give them each 1 straw and have them put it in their drink. Have them take a drink, and ask how it tastes?
h. Now give them another straw and have them hold it outside of the glass.
i. Instruct them to begin drinking with one straw in the glass and one out of the glass
j. It doesn’t work.
k. It is the same with us. We cannot not have God first and other things like . . . . first in our life.
l. If we try to put both first we end up with nothing.