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Jesus Is The Way To Happiness

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6


hot wheel car
Small sports ball



-There are lots of ways people think they will find happiness.
-People try to find happiness in all different things
-People think if they drive a really nice car they will find happiness

(Put the car in the bag)

-Everyone loves money.
-Some people think if they have lots of money, then they will be happy

(Put the money in the bag)

-Some people enjoy sports.
-There is nothing wrong with sports, but some people live for sports.
-They think sports will make them happy.
-It is all they do and think about.

(Put the ball in the bag)

-Some people think it is important to get a really good education
-They think a good education is the answer to all their problems

The truth is that none of these things will bring happiness.
We can have all these things and still be empty.

(Show the empty bag)

There is only one way to be truly happy. The only way for your life to be full is to invite Jesus into your life. When you invite Jesus into your life then you will find fulfillment and happiness. Jesus is the way to true happiness.

*You can use other things for the bag