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Divine Power

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: His divine power has given us everything we need for life... 2 Peter 1: 3





God's Power In Our Life
-I love balloons! Who likes balloons?
-A lot of people celebrate with balloons - birthday parties, graduation, New Year's, weddings
-What is the best way to see a balloon?
– When it is empty and flat, when it is old and limpy, or when it is blown up.
-What happens when a balloon sits around for a week or so? (It loses air and gets limpy and flat)
-Just like our lungs fill up balloons with air, Jesus fills up our life with His power when we decide to live for Him.
-His power changes us, and helps us to be more like him in every way of our life.

2 Peter 1: 3 say "His divine power has given us everything we need for life..."

Adding to God's Power
-Now just like we need to a add air to a balloon so it looks nice, we need to keep adding "Jesus" to our lives so God's power is in our life.
-How do we add "Jesus" to our life?
-If we don't we will be like this floppy old balloon - ugly and powerless
-Did you know that Jesus "added God's power" to His life? How do you think He did it?
- He went away all by Himself and spent time with God. Sometimes He would stay up all night praying and talking to God.

Making Sure God's power doesn't leave our life
-When we intentionally disobey God, His power will leave our life
-A good example of this is Sampson
-God is good and His power will not stay with in a person who chooses to sin.
-That is why it is important for us to do our best to live for Jesus all the time.