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Do Not Fear

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: Do not Fear I am with you. Isaiah 41:10




-We have been talking about all the different things we need to do as Christians to live for Jesus
-We talked about letting Jesus have control of our lives
-Last week we talked about how we can move mountains in our lives
-Today we are going to talk about 2 mountains that get in the way of all Christians

Fear and Doubt keep us from doing all the things God wants us to and they keep us from living the way he wants us to.

God's Word specifically says... "Do not Fear I am with you." Isaiah 41:10

People are afraid of a lot of things. Some of the things people are afraid of are kind of funny. Scientists call FEAR by a different name. They call it PHOBIA. See if you can guess what these fears are?

Telephonophobia Telephones
Bibliophobia Books
Phobophobia Fear
Pyrophobia Fire
Astrophobia Stars
Carnophobia Meat
Cyclophobia Bicycles
Dentophobia Dentists
Emetophobia Vomiting
Homilophobia Sermons
Linonophobia String
Porphyrophobia The color purple
Vestiphobia Clothing
Rupophobia Dirt
Maniaphobia Insanity
Frigophobia Cold things

Object: Give each side of the room the chance to figure out what the word is a fear of. Give the team 3 guesses. They get 1 point if they get the correct answer.

Michelle - Story
-Today we are going to talk about a time one of the disciples called on Jesus when they were really afraid and how Jesus helped them.
-One day Jesus was with his disciples.
-He wanted to pray alone for a while so he sent his disciples in a boat ahead of him.
-It was very windy (Have the kids pretend to be wind)
-The boat was tossing back and forth in the wind.
-Jesus was ready to go and see the disciples.
-Most normal people would have called for the boat
-Instead Jesus decided to walk out to the boat.
-Do people float?
-When the disciples saw Jesus walking towards them they were terrified. They thought he was a ghost.
-Jesus said, "Don't be afraid. It is only me."
-Peter called out to Jesus, "Jesus if it is you tells me to come out on the water to you."
-Jesus told him to come.
-Peter began to walk out on the water towards Jesus. He must have really trusted Jesus to do such a thing.
-Then Peter looked around Him – He took His eyes off Jesus and started-looking at how bad the wind and the waves were. He got really scared.
-What do you think started to happen?
-He started to sink,
-Peter cried out to Jesus.
-Jesus reached out and grabbed him and saved him.

Eric - conclusion:
-Peter got himself into trouble when he let fear and doubt distract him.
-He suddenly noticed how big the waves were and how scary the storm was

(Michelle should be running around the front of the room distracting the kids. Eric should get annoyed and point out what a distraction Miss Michelle is being.)

-Boys and girls it is hard for you to focus on me because of Miss Michelle.
-It is just as hard to focus on the things that God wants for our lives when we have distractions in our lives like fear and doubt.
-We need to get rid of distractions in our life that will cause us to sink like Peter
-We need to keep our focus on Jesus