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It’s Not Fair

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11


4 –40 inch pieces of string with a marshmallow tied at the end
2 Sticks – about 2 feet long
Big prizes/Little prizes



Introduction: Today we are going to play some funny games.

40-Inch Dash
You need:
2 volunteers
40-inch pieces of string with a marshmallow tied to the end

Instructions: Give 3 kids a 40-inch piece of string with a marshmallow tied to one end of it. Each person puts the loose end of the string in their mouth. On “go” each person has to eat their way to the marshmallow. The first person to reach the marshmallow is the winner.

Toe Fencing
You need:
2 girls
2 boys
1 referee for each set of partners
Instructions: The players have to take off their shoes. They have to join hands. On “go” each player has to step on the other players foot 3 times, without having your own foot stepped on. The first player to step on the other person’s foot 3 times is the winner.

Twirling Long Jump
You need:
2 volunteers
2 Sticks about 2 feet long
Instructions: Bring 3 volunteers to come forward and try this. Give each a stick about 24 inches long. Tell them to hold it straight out at arm’s length with both hands so that they can watch it while turning around 20 times. They then must drop their stick and jump over it. Whoever jumps the farthest is the winner. Of course, most kids get so dizzy they can’t even see the stick when they drop it, let alone jump over it. Funny to watch. Have the rest of the group count as the person turns around.

Illustration: At the end of each game give a prize to the winner and a prize to the loser. The losers prize should be really good and the winner’s prize should be really little. Make a rally big deal out of the loser, and not a big deal at all about the winner.

Point: It is not fair. There are a lot of things that happen to us in life that do not seem fair.

Bible Story – Joseph

Joseph had a lot of things happen to him that didn’t seem fair.

1. Joseph had 10 older brothers
2. Joseph was favored by his dad so his brothers were always mad and jealous of him
3. One day his brothers beat him up, and threw him in a big hole. Then they sold him to someone as a slave.
4. Joseph went to work for this guy. He was a hard worker so the guy really trusted him. The guy’s wife suddenly accused him of things he didn’t really do. She lied about him. Nobody believed Joseph, so he ended up in jail.
5. Joseph helped 2 guys out in jail. They promised that when they got out, they would remember him and try and get him out of jail too. They forgot about him.

God’s Plan
-Who would say to this point Joseph’s life wasn’t fair?
-In the end God had a very important job for Joseph.
-In the end Joseph ended up working for the king.
-He saved not only his family but an entire nation from death.
-God showed him there would be a famine in the land – Joseph helped the king prepare for the famine, so there would be food even when no food could be grown.

-God has a plan for our lives. It might seem like life isn’t fair because of what you are going through. But you can rise above the circumstances in your life like Joseph, and follow God’s plan for your life.

-Something important about Joseph-He never felt sorry for himself. He never used his circumstances as an excuse.


The Bible says,

“ For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11