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Teaching the 4 Most Important Things

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: 4 Most Important Things



Pin wheel
Cooked spaghetti
Uncooked spaghetti



-Who has ever heard of the 4 Most Important Things?
-We are going to talk about these things today and every week.
-It is important you remember them.

1. God loves me.
-Hold up a pinwheel
-Who knows what this is? (Show how it works)
-This pinwheel reminds me about God’s love.
-You can’t see God’s love but it is all around us.
-What makes this pinwheel turn? Air
-Can you see the air?
-How do you know it is there? (Hear, feel)
-God’s love is all around us too.
-We can’t see it but we know it is there.
-We can feel it through other people.
-We can see His love in the world He made us.

-God’s love is powerful.
-When you move the pinwheel through the still air, the air is powerful enough to make it move.
-God’s love is the most powerful thing in the world.
-It can make people stop fighting
-It can change lives
-It helps us love and care for each other

2. I have sinned
-Set the beautiful plant on the table, and have a pair of scissors nearby.
-I brought this plant to help me teach you about this next part.
-When God first created people (Adam and Eve), He made them perfect-just like this plant.
-But they did not stay that way long.
-People started sinning (doing bad things and disobeying God).
-That sin began to destroy them little by little. (Cut off little bits of the plant)
-What are some ways in which we might sin? (Continue to cut of bits of the plant)
-Look at the flower. What happened here? The plant no longer looks the way it did.
-When we sin we are no longer the way God created us.
-Sin destroys our lives.

3. Jesus died for me.
-Language is the way we communicate.
-What types of can you think of? (English, Spanish, French, etc.)
-What are some other types of languages? (Body language, sign language)
-Hold up a book with sign language in it.
-Sign language is a way to communicate with our hands.
-People who have trouble speaking or hearing use sign language to communicate.
-You could demonstrate something in sign language.
-There are all kinds of languages.
-Let’s imagine none of you can speak. I am going to tell you what I want you to communicate to me without saying a word. You can stand up but please stay on your tarp.
2.I am hungry
3.Help me, I am choking
4.My back is sore.
6.I love you

-Jesus told us something very important without using any words.
-He told us the most important thing he’s ever said without using words
-Jesus communicated His love for us through an action not words.
-Jesus died on the cross for us.
-Jesus gave up His life so we could be forgiven and so we could live with Him forever.
-That is a pretty awesome way to say, “I love you.”

4. I must decide to follow Jesus.
-Who likes spaghetti?
-Hold up uncooked spaghetti
-It is hard and brittle (breaks easily)
-It doesn’t taste so good
-Hold up cooked spaghetti
-It is soft
-It tastes good especially with sauce or cheese
-Both of these are made with the same ingredients. It has just been changes so it is more enjoyable.
-When we decide to live for Jesus, He changes us.
-Jesus takes away our sin.
-Jesus makes us a new person on the inside
-Jesus gives us the Holy Spirit to help us live right
-We still look the same on the outside, but inside we are a new person.

Pray with the kids