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Ugly Bait vs. Good Bait

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: Test everything. Keep what is good. And stay away from everything that is evil. 1 Thessalonians 5:21, 22


fishing pole



Ugly Bait
-Has anyone ever gone fishing? (Hold up fishing pole)
-What did you catch? (Hold up a boot, garbage, seaweed, fish)
-What did you use to catch the fish? (Hold up cookies, bread, lure, a little fish, a frog, worms)
-Different people use different things to catch fish. It all depends on the type of fish and the size of fish they want to catch.
-It seems kind of funny to us that a fish would actually try to eat this. (Hold up a lure)
-Some lures are bright colors
-Some glow in the dark
-Some rattle and the sound attracts the fish
-You can even buy smelly stuff to attract the fish
-You wouldn’t think that a smart fish would go for these lures but they do.
-The fish doesn’t find out anything is wrong until after He’s hooked.

-Sin works the same way. Sin can attract us.
-The devil is the won who put out the bait to try and get us to sin. He is not going to put out bait that is not attractive to us. He is going to try and get us to do things that seem enticing to us.
-Suddenly we find ourselves want something very much even if we know it is wrong or sinful (ie. The computer game our mom can’t afford at Walmart, the candy bar at the store)
-You wouldn’t think smart people would be attracted to sin but we are.
-The good news is that God always helps us to avoid sin.
-God gives us the strength we need to say no to sin and run the other way.
-Before you are tempted to do something that is wrong it is important to decide that we are not going to give into the devil’s temptations but that we are going to serve God.
-Don’t think for one moment that one little sin doesn’t matter. If you give in to little ones before you know it you will be giving into sin that will get you in a lot of trouble.
-We need to ask God everyday to help us make good choices and stay away from sin.

The Bible says:

“Test everything. Keep what is good. And stay away from everything that is evil.”- 1 Thessalonians 5:21, 22

Good Bait
-Did you know that fishing was mentioned in the Bible by Jesus?
-Many of the disciples were fishermen – that was their job.
-Jesus told them to be “Fishers of men”.
-What do you think a “fisher of men” is?
-It is a person who “catches men” for Jesus.
-You see either the devil is going to put out bait and catch men or Christians are going to put out bait and catch men. Which do you think is better?
-When people are caught by the devil their life is headed down the wrong path – the path of destruction.
-When people are caught by Christians their life is headed down the right path – Jesus forgives their sins and they get to go to heaven.
-As Christians how can we catch “men”? What kind of bait can we use to show them the following Jesus is the right way to go?
-We can live like a Christian and enjoy our life
-We can invite them to do fun things like come to Kidz Club.

I promise will not follow after the devil’s ugly bait, but every day I will walk, talk, and live like Jesus. I will do my best to be a fisher of men so others will not follow the devil’s ugly bait too.