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Living For Jesus

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: If you love me you will obey what I command. John 14:15


dress shirt



-Read Bible Verse with the class
-Say the Bible Verse in different voices and acting in different ways (loud, under water, marching and yelling, etc.)
-What does this verse mean? – IF we love Jesus, we will act the way he wants us to.
-Everyday of your life you have to make a decision whether you are going to live for Jesus or not for Jesus.
If we love Jesus what is our decision going to be?

Object lesson (put on dress shirt)

You need:
Dress Shirt

-Choose a volunteer to come up and put on this nice dress shirt. (Talk to them a head of time about buttoning it up wrong. While they are putting on the shirt talk to the audience about the Bible verse – How if we are going to love Jesus we need to make right choices)

-Turn your attention to the volunteer – what a nice looking shirt, but you have made a mess of the shirt – it doesn’t look nice at all.

-Ask the boys and girls what is wrong with the shirt – It is buttoned up all wrong.

-It is messy because you started on the wrong button. If you don?t start buttoning up a shirt with the right button at the bottom, then the whole shirt gets messed up. Didn’t your mother teach you anything???

-This is just like our lives. If we start our life wrong when we are young then our whole life will be messed up. If we start are life in the right direction when we are young, then our life will headed in the right direction.

-It is important that we make right decisions in our life from the beginning of our life, instead of growing up doing what we want and then finding ourselves in a mess when we are older.

-For example: I know a girl that by age 10 all she could think about was boys. By age 12 she was pregnant. When she was 13 she had baby number two. Then she had a hard time going to school and raising two kids. She dropped out of school. Now she can’t get a good job, so she can’t take care of her kids the way she wants to. She can’t find a good husband to help her. What young man really wasn’t the responsibility of raising to kids from someone else? What would have happened if she would have stayed away from boys?

I know a boy started hanging around the wrong people when he was 10 years old. For a few years he was doing stupid things –like stealing, lying, bullying other kids. Then when he was 13 years old, he joined a gang. He continued to steal, lie and bully other kids. He started doing drugs. He got arrested a few times- nothing big. He got right out of jail. When he was 20 almost killed some by mistake in a fight over drugs. He went to jail for the next 10 years of his life. When he got out of jail, he had no money, and no friends. He couldn’t get a job – who wanted to hire a criminal. He didn’t have an education –he dropped out of school. He had nothing. What would have happened if he did not hang around the wrong people when he was 10 years old?

-Both of these people are real people who made real choices. Everyday we make choices that could affect our future. Don’t make wrong ones. When you start making wrong ones it messes up your life just like this shirt got messed up when Victoria buttoned up the wrong button. One wrong choice follows another, follows another, and follows another.

-Going back to school is a time when you have to watch the choice you make. Who are you going to hang out with? What kind of a student are you going to be? What kind of an impression are you going to leave on your teachers?

** If there is time you could divide into groups. Talk about situations that are hard for you to make the right choices in, and pray for each other.