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Trust In The Lord

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5,6


Pile of dirt in shallow pan
water in pitcher
egg with no shell (soak in vinegar for a couple days)
egg with shell



-Life of many is like this inflated balloon. (don’t tie)
-People think they have their life together:
-They are happy because of the family they have.
-They are happy because of the money they have.
-They are happy because of the education they have.
-They are happy because of the house they have.
-Everything seems to being along great.
-Then one tragic thing happens an look what happens (let go of it.)
-If we decide to trust in the Lord with all our heart (blow up a balloon and tie it), our life is like this balloon. The air won’t go out of it.
-When tragedies happen, when we are faced with scary situations:
-Jesus will keep us strong
-Jesus will get us through them.
-Jesus will give us peace
-Jesus will give us comfort
-Jesus will give us wisdom

Jesus gives us the strength we need if we trust in Him.
-Make a pile of dirt. Talk about how it represents us.
-What do you think will happen if it rains on this pile of dirt?
-Make it rain on the dirt.
-What will happen if it rains harder?
-The process of water moving dirt away is called erosion. Erosion happens when wind and water wear at the earth’s surface over a long period of time.
-Talk about Niagara Falls
-Rebuild the hill, and put some plants in the side of the hill.
-Now pour water gently over the side of the hill again.
-Where does the soil go now that there are plants in the side of the hill?
-What other things could stop erosion?
-Our life is like this hill.
-The rain is like the bad, scary situations we face in our life.
-Without Jesus, without going to church, without friends that love Jesus our life our becomes eroded – bitter, full of fear, hard heart, unforgiveness, miserable. An eroded heart leads to a destroyed life.
-These plants represent a life built on the foundation of Jesus, God’s Word, praying, going to church, having Christian friends.
-When the rain comes all these things help us stay focused on trusting Jesus. Jesus gives us the strength to get through anything victoriously.

People in the Bible who trusted God
-Let’s think about some of the people in the Bible and what they faced:
-David – faced Goliath –
-He trusted in Go to win the battle
-He didn’t get scared about Goliath’s size, armor etc.
-David won the battle. He defeated Goliath

-Daniel – was asked to do something against God’s Word
-He obeyed God instead
-He faced the punishment of death (eaten by lions)
-he trusted in God lived
-The whole nation turned to God

-Moses – had to face one of the most evilest rulers of the world and plead for God’s people
-Moses obeyed God
-Eventually the people were free.
-The Moses had to believe God at the Red Sea
-The Moses had to believe God to give the Israelites food and water

-Shadrach, Meshach, Abendigo

-Our life without Jesus is like this egg (hold up egg with no shell-soak it in vinegar for a couple days)
-Have a couple kids come and touch it.
-We have no protection.
-One little thing can completely destroy us. (Destroy the egg)
-When Jesus is in our life it is like this egg. (Hold of egg with shell)
-Serving Jesus brings protection to our life.
-Jesus brings peace where there is no peace.
-Jesus brings strength where there is no strength.
-First you have to decide to live for him. That means giving up things that don’t make Jesus happy, giving up your own way of living, and living the way Jesus wants you to live.