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Straw Trick

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: 4 Most Important Things

Verse: All have sinned and fall short of God’s glory Romans. and For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 3:23 and Romans 6:23


1 colored straw
1 piece of string
Sharp knife


1.Slit straw before the lesson –right down the middle, leaving about 1-2 inches on each end unslit
2.During lesson show the string while talking about our relationship with God
3.Run the string down the straw.
4.Fold the straw in half so that the slit is on the bottom.
5.Hold the straw in your fist and pull the string out of the straw. The straw should be in your fist so the audience cannot see that the string is out of the straw.
6.Cut the straw. It should appear that you are cutting the string too. Hold the 2 pieces of straw so there is a gap between them –showing how sin breaks our relationship with God
7.Line the two pieces of straw back up in your hand.
8.Pull on the string. It will appear that you have put the string back together.


Introduction: Today I am going to teach you about the 4 Most Important things in the whole world. These 4 things are so important. I want you to promise you will never forget them.

1. God loves me.

(Hold the whole piece of string up for everyone to see. Show that it is solid)

God loves all of us very much. He desires to have an unbroken, solid relationship with us.

God created us special. He created us to have a special relationship with Him.

2. I have sinned

(Run the string down the straw as you are talking about this point)

All of us at one point or another have sinned.

Sin are the things we do that don’t please God.
The Bible teaches us in Romans 3:23 “All have sinned.”

All of us have done things that don’t please God.

Sin separates us from God

(Bend the straw in half with the slit down. Hold it in your fist and pull the string down but make sure the audience doesn’t see what you are doing. Then cut the straw showing separation from God)

Because of sin our relationship with God has been broken.

3. Jesus died for me.

God wanted to see our relationship restored, so the Bible teaches us that He sent His Son Jesus to the world.

Jesus came to earth. He lived among us. He lived a perfect life.

Then, Jesus died on the cross.

You see, sin needs to be punished

Romans 6:23 – The Wages of sin is death

Jesus chose to be punished for us, so we didn’t have to be.

Jesus was punished for us when He died on the cross.

Not only did Jesus die on the cross but He also rose from the dead after he died.

When Jesus rose from the grave he conquered sin.

4. I must decide to live for Jesus

(Hold the straws back together in your hand. Make sure the audience doesn’t see that the string was never cut. As you are talking about this point pull the string completely through the straws signifying how our relationship with God is restored)

Now we all have to make a choice. – the most important choice in the world.

We must decide to live for Jesus.

When we decide to live for Jesus, our sins are forgiven and forgotten
When we decide to live for Jesus, we receive the gift of Eternal Life.

When we decide to live for Jesus, our relationship with God is restored!!