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Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: 4 Most Important Things





-Today I am going to teach the boys and girls about the 4 Most Important Things in the whole entire world – Do you want to help me- Matilda and Clara?
-Boys and girls there are lots of important things for us to remember. There are 4 things that are the very most Important Things. I want to make sure you know what they are.
-By the end of the time I am with you in three days, I want to make sure you know these four things so well that you will never, ever, ever forget them for the rest of your life.

Matilda interrupts: I have figured out what the 4 Most Important Things are:
Make sure you put clothes on before you leave the house
Take a bath each month whether you need to or not
Eat lots of candy
Always make people laugh

Miss Michelle: Those sound like good things but they are not the 4 Most Important Things.

Clara: I know the 4 Most Important Things
1.Obey your parents
2.Do good in school
3.Don’t forget wear you live.
4.Never talk to strangers.

Miss. Michelle: Those are good things too. But they are still not the 4 Most Important Things. Clara and Matilda while you are helping me today. You need to pay close attention to the 4 Most Important Things.

Pledge: I promise I will never, ever forget the 4 Most Important Things-as long as I live. I will write them on my heart. I will remember them forever!

Clara and Matilda help yourself to 5-6 pieces of candy – not for you for the boys and girls that are sitting up, hands in their lap, eyes at the front. Watch for awhile to make sure they are really paying attention. Matilda you do one side, Clara you watch the other side.


You need:

-Hold up money
-Who would like this money bill today?
-Everybody likes money to buy candy, treats
-Crumple it up who still wants it?
-This money is still worth ____________
-Hork on it – who still wants it?
-Stomp on it and yell at it – who still wants it?
-Why do you want it?
-Because it has value.
-No matter what you do to this $5.00, it still has value.
-It is the same with us – No matter what has happened to us – No matter what people have said about us we still have value.
-Even if we feel like no one else loves us God always has and always will love us.


You need:
Lock and key

-The Bible teaches us that we all have sinned.
-Sin is the things we do that make God sad
-Sin is the bad things we do.
(As you talk about sin, have Matilda wrap Clara in the chain)
-Sin is when we disobey our mom and dad
-Sin is when we don’t tell the truth
-Sin is when we fight with our brothers and sisters or friends
-Sin is when we don’t hate someone
-Sin is when we take something that does not belong to us
-Sin is when we say mean or bad words
-Sin is when we say something mean about another person
-Look what sin does to us. (Put the lock on the chain)
-We get all tied up and trapped.
-Sin keeps us from being happy, and free to live for Jesus
-People try all different ways to get free and get sin out of their life.
(Have different keys to try and let the person out)
-Some people try to be good – that doesn’t work
-Some people try to be religious – that doesn’t work
-Some people don’t care – that doesn’t work
-Some people try to cover up what they have done – that doesn’t work

-Jesus is the key to set us free from sin. Jesus is the only one that can get us free from sin

(Have Matilda try the Jesus key. Take off the chain. Clara should jump around.)


You need:
Lotta Bowl

-We deserve to be punished for our sin.
-Jesus was punished for us.
-He was beat, and whipped and hung on a cross – as a punishment for our sin.
-Jesus shed His blood for you.
-Jesus shed His blood for your brothers and sisters.
-Jesus shed His blood for your mom and dad
-Jesus shed His blood for the people in your village
-Jesus shed His blood to pay for your sin
-Jesus shed His blood so you could have a special gift – the gift of Eternal life.
Eternal Life – means that when your life is over and you die – you really just move to heaven to live with Jesus.


-In order for you sins to be washed away, and in order to receive Eternal Life, there is one very important thing you must do.
-You must decide that you are going to live for Jesus
-You must invite Jesus to be in your life.
-When you invite Jesus into your life
-He forgives your sins and washes them away forever
-He give you a very special gift –Eternal life

Skit: The What Would Have Happened Room
A girl dies and meets up with an angel in the “What would have happened room?” Here there is a big movie screen with buttons. The girl asks the angel what this is all about. The angel explains that this is the “What would have happened room”. You can see what would have happened if you had done certain things. The only rule is the girl cannot push the gold button.

The girl pushes the first button and sees what would have happened if the girl stole a car with her friends. She acts out stealing the car, driving the car, and getting in an accident. The girl acts out seeing herself dead- body parts everywhere.

The girl pushes another button and sees what would have happened if the girl stole candy from a store. The police come. They chase her. Finally someone shoots her, and she dies.

While the angel isn’t looking, the girl presses the gold button. She sees the most beautiful place ever appear on the screen – big mansions, streets of gold. She wonders where she is now. The angel explains that this is what would have happened if she had given her life to Jesus.

Heart Illustration: Boys and girls, today Jesus is standing at the door of your heart knocking. He wants you to invite Him into you life. He wants you to decide to live for him.

Is there anyone here who would like to do that? Put your hand up and wave.

Before we pray together. If you put your hand up, I want to take the key for your heart out of your pocket. Unlock the door to your heart and open the door. Say, “Jesus, come into my heart. Jesus I am going to live for you.”

Now close the door of your heart. Lock the door because Jesus is going to stay there forever, and throw away the key.

Pray with the boys and girls