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Be A Servant

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all. Mark 9:35


Candy for everyone - just take a bowl full out of the candy chest



1. Introduction:
-The Bible teaches us that when we decided to live for Jesus that we should be a servant to others.
-Why do you think it is important for us to be like a servant?
-When we serve other people we are showing other people God's love.

2. Object lesson:
Announce to the children that you have a piece of candy for everyone right now, right in the middle of Kidz Club. For no reason you want to give everyone a piece of candy.

Instruct them to get in a line and you will give out the candy. (Do not tell them not to be pushy etc . .) Just let the children get in a line. Once they are in a line. Ask them if they are ready to pick out a piece of candy that they want - you could announce some of the kinds or flavors you have.

Then walk to the back of the line, and one by one let the kids pick out their candy, and instruct them to go back to their seat.

3. Discussion:
-What do you think about how we handed out the candy?
-Was it fair or unfair? Why?

4. Bible Verse
-We can learn a very important lesson from what we just did.
-While Jesus was alive on earth he taught his disciples about being servants.

Mark 9:35 (on the overhead) says . . . .

"If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all."

(You could have the kids repeat the verse in different voices)

5. Jesus wants us to be a servant.
-In this verse Jesus is teaching us that he doesn't want his followers to be pushy and only think about themselves.
-When we decide to live for Jesus it is wrong for us to think that we are the most important person in the world.
-Jesus wants us to think about others first.
-We need to put the needs of others before ourselves.
-This means we should be willing to say, "You go first, I will go after you."
-Jesus wants us to act like Him.
-He wants us to be kind and think about others.
-By being kind and serving others, we are showing God's love to others.

6. Conclusion:
-The best example of a servant that I could think of is a waiter or waitress.
-Who has ever been out to eat in a restaurant?
-What happens first? Someone shows you to your seat.
-Next a waiter or waitress comes to your table, introduces themselves and gives you a menu.
-What is the job of the waiter or waitress?
-Take your order
-Get your drinks
-Bring you food
-Clear off your table
-Clean up your mess
-Does the waiter or waitress sit down and eat in the middle of your dinner?
-Do they take your order and then tell you to go cook your own food?
-Do they leave all your dirty dishes on the table for you to clean up?
-Waiters and waitresses make sure everyone in the restaurant is taken care of, fed and happy.
-Jesus wants us to have the attitude of a waiter or waitress.
-Just think about how much better your live would be if your family all had the attitude of a waiter or waitress?
-How many more of your friends would come to church if you had the attitude of a waiter or waitress?
-How much different would your teacher act toward you if you had the attitude of a waiter or waitress

7. Prayer:
Have everyone close their eyes and think about the week that is ahead of them. Have the kids think of 2-3 thing they could do to have a waiter or waitress attitude. Pray with everyone.