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Specially Chosen

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praise of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. 1 Peter: 2:9


1 piece of paper
9 pencils
9 volunteers



Introduction: In front of the class rip a piece of paper in 9 pieces. Hand out one piece to nine different people along with a pencil. Remember whom you gave the middle piece to. Tell them to draw a heart and then write their favorite number in the heart.

Talk about the following:
-Who likes to get picked for quiet seat prize?
-Who likes it when we play free draws and your number gets picked?
-Who likes it when Miss Michelle gives you extra candy for no reason?
-Why do you like it so much?
-How does it make you feel?

Collect the pieces of paper, and explain that you are going to pick out ___________ paper. Examine all the papers and pretend to think about it. Then announce to the class ______________ piece of paper.

For fun you could repeat this exercise again.

Everyone likes to be chosen for something. It makes them feel special. That is the way God made us.

Did you know that the Bible says that we are God’s specially chosen people?

God compares us to different things
-A royal priesthood
-A holy nation

God says we are His own special people.
-We are important to God

-We have a job to do.
-We are to proclaim to others what Jesus has done for us.

Conclusion: Sometimes we have bad days and we don’t feel special at all. Remember that you are special to God. That He chose you for some very important jobs. One of the jobs is to tell others about what He has done for you.

Repeat: I am special. God chose me for a special job. He wants me to tell others about what He has done for me.