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Two Ways To Live

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: In all you ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:6


dry erase board



i. There are 2 ways people live their life
a. With Jesus
b. Without Jesus
ii. Living your life without Jesus is like trying to draw a picture with your eyes closed.

Object lesson:

Object: Choose a volunteer to come to the front and draw a picture. Blindfold them and give them a marker. Tell them to draw a house. Put a door on the house. Put a window on the house. Put a chimney on the house. Draw a tree beside the house.

Notice that when you draw a picture blindfolded that it does not turn out very good. Actually you kind of make a mess of the picture.

This reminds me of what happens when we try to live our life without Jesus. Our life doesn’t turn out too good. Actually we end up making a mess of it.

Conclusion: (Erase the ugly picture, and begin to draw a simple picture that everyone can tell what it is) When we allow Jesus to guide and direct our life then our life turns out good. We can look at this picture and understand what is happening. We will be able to look at our life and see how God has directed us.