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Fishers OF Men

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: Go into all the world and preach the Good News to all creation. Mark 16:15





1. Review the 4 Most Important Things
i. God loves me
ii. I have sinned
iii. Jesus died for me
iv. I must decide to live for Jesus

2. The next most important thing for us to do is . . . . tell our friends about Jesus

3. The Bible teaches us to “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to all creation.”
-Who remembers from last week who “all the world” is?
-We need to tell our friends, neighbors, and family members about Jesus
-What are some things we can do to tell them about Jesus?

4. Chubby Bunnies with the verse

Bible Story (From Luke 5:1-11):

-Jesus talked about this very thing in another story in the Bible
-One day Jesus was preaching to a large crowd of people, sort of near a lake
-The people kept getting closer to Jesus so they could hear, and Jesus kept backing up a little so he had some room.
-Pretty soon Jesus had back up so much, he was about to end up in a lake.
-Jesus saw some fishermen coming in their boat, so he got in their boat, pushed off a little from shore and preached to the people.
-When he was done preaching, he told the fishermen to go out and put their nets in again.
-Who has ever gone fishing?
-These fishermen used nets instead of fishing poles.
-They were very discouraged because they hadn’t caught any fish all night.
-Who has been fishing and caught lots of fish?
-Who has been fishing and caught no fish?
-The fishermen did what Jesus told them anyway.
-They went out and dropped their nets.
-Suddenly they had so many fish, there nets were breaking and their boats were about to sink.
-They had to call for other fishermen to help them
-At this point, in the middle of all this fishing Jesus made the strangest comment – this is what I want to talk to you about today.
-Jesus said, “I will make you fishers of men”
-What did he mean? Should we get our fishing poles and try to caught people

-What do you think Jesus meant “I will make you fishers of men”
-This means that they would catch people for Jesus’
-This meant that they would fish people out of their lives, which are not always good, and that people would decide to live for Jesus, and have a wonderful new life.
-Who was Jesus talking about when he said, “I will make you fishers of men.”
-Jesus was talking to the fishermen, who later became his disciples. Jesus was also talking to you.
-Now that you have decided to live for Jesus- Jesus has one job for you
-Your job is to pull people out of their present life – not living for Jesus and help them to have a new life-living for Jesus

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