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Come Near To God

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: Come Near to God and He will come near to you. James 4:8


Signs - Bitterness, Rebellion, Bad Attitude, Hate, Anger
Duct tape



-The Bible teaches us that God wants to have a relationship with us.
-God wants us to come near to Him.
-God wants us to be close to Him.
-When we get close to God, He will get close to us.
-There are things that keep us from coming near to God.

-Have someone represent God
-Have someone represent a person trying to get near to God.
-Have "God" call out for the person.
-There are things in our life that keep us from getting near to God.
-They are sins.
-Some of them are as follows. As you mention the sin have a volunteer come to the front. Attach the name of the sin to him and have the volunteer attach himself to the person trying to get close to God.
-Have the volunteer trying to get close to God - try to move-they should not be able to.
-All these sins are keeping __________from coming near to God.
-There is only one way to get rid of these things that keep us from coming near to God.
-Pray and ask God to forgive us and then get rid of it from our life.
-As long as we hold on to these things we will never get near to God
-One by one pray and "get rid" of that sin. Show how the person trying to get near to God can more but is still not able to go to God.
-At the end when the person has gotten rid of everything have them run to God.

Conclusion: God's will is for all of us to come near to God. Maybe there is something in your life that is keeping you from coming near to God. Today we can pray and ask God to forgive us for allowing that thing to keep us from coming near to Him. Today we can pray and get rid of sin that keeps us from coming near to God.