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What Is Inside

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. 1 Samuel 16:7


6 non-see-through empty containers. Put something in each container that is different from what the label says is in that container. For example put a toy in a cereal box or put some dirt in a vitamin bottle.




-Choose one volunteer to guess what is in the first container.
-Choose a volunteer to guess what is in each container. (do not comment whether they are right or wrong)
-Go back and ask the children why they guessed what they did.
-Then dump or pull out whatever is really in the box or container.
-Continue – the children will probably start guessing different things that could be in the container or box.
-By now the children have caught on that there is something different than what the box or container says.

-Did any of the containers have what they showed on the outside?
-Why did we think those things were in there?
-How do we do this with people?

-We look at someone’s outward appearance – What clothes they wear? What they look like? How tall, short, big, or small they are?
-We decide by their outward appearance how we are going to treat them and if we are going be their friend or not.
-We never take time to get to know them.
-This is not how God works or what God wants us to do.

I Samuel 16:7 says “The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.

-God looks at what is inside of us.
-That is why it is so important for us the have the Fruit of the Spirit inside of us.
-Having the fruit of the Spirit inside of us is more important than what we look like and what clothes we wear.

-When we look at other people we need to look at what is in their heart.