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The Four Most Important Things -Shakles

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: 4 Most Important Things

Verse: …Do not be entangled with the yoke of bondage… Galatians 5:1


Piece of Rope



-We have a lot of new boys and girls in Kidz Club
-The most important thing is that you know the 4 Most Important Things.
-We are going to spend some more time talking about the 4 Most Important Things.

#1 God loves me
-What does this point mean to you?
-Did you know that God loves you all the time-no matter what?
-Can you think of someone who has stopped loving you?
-Can you think of someone who has gotten so mad at you –that they can’t possibly love you anymore?
-Most of us are use to this kind of love (Hold up piece of rope)
- This kind of love has a beginning and end
-God’s love is like this hula hoop (Hold up a hula hoop)
-Can someone come up here and point out the end of the hula hoop?
-If you can find the end, can you find the beginning?

#2 I have sinned.
-What is sin? (The things we do that displease God)
-Boys and girls when we displease God or sin over and over and over again, we become bound by sin.
-Sin becomes like these shackles.
-We become bound in sin, and we are not free to do what God wants.

(Have Pastor Eric put the locks on)

-Sin keeps us from doing what God wants us to do.
-Sin keeps you bound
-The Bible refers to sin as bondage.
-Today I have been bound
-Boys and girls how can I get free from this?

-There is only one way to get free from the bondage of sin.
-Freedom from sin only comes from Jesus
(Have 2 people hold up a towel in front of you)

#3 Jesus died for me
(Point to Jesus with one hand and then put it back)

Have everyone say Jesus died for me.

Boys and girls Jesus died so that you could be free from the shackles of sin.

(Hold up hands in shackles.)

Jesus was punished for our sin, so that we didn’t have to be punished.

But there is something very important that we must do if we want to be free from sin

Does anyone know what that is?

#4 I must decide to live for Jesus.

(Point –I must decide to live for Jesus)

Have everyone say, “I must decide to live for Jesus.”

When we decide to live for Jesus, He sets us free from sin.

-Boys, and girls the decision to live for Jesus is the most important decision we will ever make.
-You can be free from the bondage of sin.
-The choice is up to you.