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Christ Lives In Us

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: I have been crucified with Christ; I no longer live but Christ lives in me. Galatians 2:20


2 cups of water



-Let me explain what happens once you decide to live for Jesus.
-This glove is all by itself is lifeless and dead - This reminds me of someone before they have decided to invite Jesus into their life.
-It might look nice on the outside but it is useless.
-It can't shake someone's hand (demonstrate)
-It can't hold anything (try to put a cup of water in it-it will fall)
-When I put my hand in this glove. It suddenly has life and becomes useful.
-Now this glove can shake someone's hand (demonstrate)
-Now this glove can hold a cup of water
-Putting my hand in this glove reminds me of what happens when we decide to live for Jesus.
-When we decide to live for Jesus - Jesus moves into our life. He lives inside of us.
-When Jesus moves into us - He becomes the boss. He is in charge
-When Jesus lives inside of us - He gives us a reason to live. Our life becomes exciting and an adventure.