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Different On The Outside But The Same On The Inside

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: There is no distinction between Jew or Greek; for the same Lord is the Lord of all abounding in riches for all who call on Him. Romans 10:12


Bag of M&M's
Cups - 4-6
4 Blindfolds



-Have you ever heard of a taste test?
-Their used to be a popular one to see if people could tell the difference between Coke and Pepsi, and to see which one people preferred.
-Some people think that they are really good at taste test.
-Some people think they have extra sensitive taste buds.
-Do you know where your taste buds are? They are the bumps on your tongue.
-With your taste buds you can tell the difference between - salty, sour, sweet,
-Taste bud tell us when we are eating chocolate cake or spinach.

Taste Test
-Today we are going to have a taste test right here in Kidz Club.
-I have heard that the person who made M&M's intended for each color to taste different.
-I have tried to figure out the different tastes of each color. I have been unsuccessful.
-Today we are going to have an M&M taste test.

You need:
4 volunteers
1 Assistant

Directions: We will blindfold everyone. Make sure you cannot see. I will give each person 2 M&M's. You have to tell us if they were the same color or different. Give everyone one color M&M. Show the audience the color. Now give them another color. Show the audience the color. Ask the volunteers-were they the same color or different? Repeat.

Next I will give you a certain color M&M, and then you have to tell us what color it is.

The results should show inconsistency.

Have the volunteers take off their blindfolds. I think we have proved that M&M's taste the same. They may be different color on the outside, but on the inside they taste the same. The fact that M&M's are different colors make it more exciting to eat them - you can pick out your favorite color first. You can eat one of each color. You can eat them color by color.

Bible Lesson:

We can learn an important lesson today from our taste test. The Bible teaches us the same is true with people.

#1 God has made us all different on the outside.
-When God created people He didn't create us to all look alike, He created us to all be different.
-He made us different sizes. He gave us different colors of skin. He gave us different hair and eyes.
-What other differences are there on the outside?
-God was very creative when He created humans.
-God created every one of us special - just for the job he has in mind for us.

#2 God's love for us is all the same
-God's loves us all the same amount.
-Just because ______ is taller - God doesn't love them more
-Just because ______ is cuter God doesn't love them more.
-Just because we think someone is better looking that doesn't mean God loves them more
-We ARE ALL EQUAL in God's eyes

#3 The inside should be the same.
-God wants all of us to be the same inside.
-He wants all of us to love Him with all our heart, soul and mind.

Conclusion: We are different on the outside. We need to respect each other for that. We need to be the same on the inside.