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Jars Of Destruction, Jars Of Glory

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? 2 Corinthians 3:16


2 bowls
2 identical jars with lids
1 red cloth, candy to fill one jar
trash and dirt to fill the other jar
candy for 1 bowl
trash for 1 bowl


Make one jar as ugly as possible. Put the dirt and trash to fill that jar in a bowl. Make the other jar as clean as possible. Put candy in the other bowl -enough to fill the jar.


1. In the Old Testament, God put His Spirit into holy buildings.
A. God told Moses that He would live in a special tent called “Tabernacle”
1. God told Moses how to build this tent.
2. It was used to worship God and to receive the sacrifices that had to be offered for sin.
B. Many years later, God showed King David how his son Solomon would build the Temple.
1. The Temple was built on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem.
2. It took the place of the Tabernacle.
C. Both the Tabernacle and the Temple had three chambers.
1. There was an outer court, which is symbolic of our body.
2. There was an inner court, which is symbolic of our soul.
3. There was an innermost chamber called the “holy of holies” which is symbolic of our spirit.
D. God’s presence lived in the Holy of Holies.

2. In the New Testament, God lives in people.
A. Because Christ died to take away our sins; God’s Spirit can dwell in us.
1. God’s Spirit will not share a dwelling place with sin.
2. Christ cleanses our spirits so He can place His Holy Spirit in our hearts.
B. A Christian is the temple of God because God dwells in him. Read 1 Corinthians 3:16
(Bring out the candy bowl)
C. God’s presence in us brings us many wonderful blessings. (Elaborate on the many blessing of God such as peace, joy, love, and revelation and symbolize each with a piece of candy)
D. God cleanses us with the Blood of Christ before He puts His Spirit in us.
(Take the red cloth and wipe the clean jar. The fill the jar with candy.)

3. Because we are the dwelling places of God?s Spirit, we must not allow our bodies to be defiled.
A. We must not defile them with drugs.
(Bring out the dirty jar and bowl of trash. Put a bit of trash in the dirty jar.)
B. We must not defile them with alcohol.
(Place more dirt in the jar)
C. We must not defile them with tobacco
(Place more dirt in the jar)
D. We must not defile them with bad TV shows
(Place more dirt in the jar)
E. The person who defiles his body has created a vessel for the trash
(Hold up the dirty jar)
1. The person who defiles his body destroys his inner man
(Toss the dirty jar into the trash)
2. The person who keeps himself pure will be filled with the blessings of God.
(Distribute the candy.)