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Heaven Heart Transplant

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you… Ezekiel 36:26


surgical garb
surgical instruments
a mask
a hammer
clean heart
dirty heart
a bed sheet
a table
a toy stethoscope
a toy saw/knife
needle and thread
a helper



Introduction: Have a child who will be serious come up as your helper. Explain that we are going to pretend that this person is not a Christian.

Before someone loves Jesus, and before someone has decided to follow Jesus, often a person is sad and unhappy. Sometimes a person who does not love Jesus has all sorts of bad habits like smoking, drinking, lying, and fighting. Does anybody here know anybody like this?

The problem with a person that does not know Jesus is that they are lost. Their problem is really in their heart. Before we decide to live for Jesus we have ?dirty? hearts before God. When we decide to live for Jesus the Bible says that we are given a new heart.

This person (your helper) needs a heart transplant very badly, and so that is what we are going to do today.

Have your patient lie down on the table and cover them with a bed sheet. Place your surgical instruments, including the hearts behind the patient’s body where they are not seen. Administer your anesthesia (a mask, a hammer etc. . . ) and begin. (This should be a funny illustration as well as the point you want to get across to the children).

1. People commit sin because we all have a sin nature in our heart.
A. This sin nature started in the beginning when Adam sinned in the Garden of Eden. The Bible says that through Adam sin and death entered the world.
B. Sin starts in a person’s heart, and it makes a person’s heart hard and dirty
(Begin to “saw or Cut” open the helper’s chest. Remove the “dirty” heart and hold it up to illustrate your point.)

2. God sent Jesus to give people new hearts.
God promises that he would make it possible for men to receive a new heart. Have someone read Ezekiel 36:26-27.

3. When we receive Jesus as Lord, God give us a new heart.
A. The Bible tells us we become new people. (Read 2 Corinthians 5:17)
B. Our old Stony hearts cannot please God.

(Hold the stethoscope on the dirty heart and tell the audience what you’re hearing: lies, hateful words, cursing, evil desires etc . . .)
C. The heart that Christ gives us is clean.
(Hold up the clean heart and examine it with your stethoscope. Place the new hart in the patient and sew him up.)

Wake up the patient and tell him that Jesus has given Him a new heart and that now He is a new person. Ask the children if there is anyone who has not made a decision to follow Jesus, and so your heart is dirty? Give the opportunity for the children to make a decision follow Jesus and get a new heart.