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Jesus Sets Me Free

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: Therefore, if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. John 6:36


a sign that says “Hell”
a pair of scissors
a blindfold
a gag
3 8' lengths of small rope
a helper



1 Sin does not make people free.
A. The devil tells people that serving God takes away our freedom. He likes us to focus on the things that Christians should not do. He likes to make us think that being a Christian is boring.
B. Many people think that by doing whatever they want at anytime, makes them free.
C. When a person sins, he becomes a servant of sin.
(Bring up your volunteer and blindfold him)
Talk about:
1. Satan blinds the minds of people who do not believe God’s Word.
2. He blinds them so they cannot think or reason properly.
3. Unsaved people cannot see that they are going to Hell.
(Lead your helper to the sign that says “hell”)

2.When a person commits sins, he becomes the servant of that particular kind of sin.
A. If a person uses foul language, he becomes a slave to cursing
(Bind the gag around the helper’s mouth)
B. If a person goes to the wrong places (bars, bad movies, dance halls etc . . .), he becomes a slave to those places. (Bind your helper’s feet with a length of rope)
C. If a person spends his money on things that are destructive (alcohol, and drugs), he becomes bound to them. (Bind your helper’s hands with rope)
D. If a person listens to the wrong things (bad music, bad movies, gossip) he becomes a slave to these things. (Wrap rope around your helper’s ears)
E. The person who sins becomes a slave to the sins he commits.

3. Jesus came to set sinners free - read John 8:36.
A. You wouldn’t be able to serve and obey Jesus if sin continued to be your master. We are forgiven of our old sins and we are set free from sin’s power.
(Ask your helper if he wants to be set free from sin. He should nod “yes”.)
B. Jesus is the light of the world, and when He first comes to us, He shows us that we are bound. (Cut away the blindfold with the scissors. Ask your helper if he wants to make Jesus His Lord. He should nod “yes”.)
C. Jesus forgives us of our sins and gives us the power to overcome sin.

(Take the gag off your helper’s mouth) In order to receive the power over sin, we must first confess Jesus as Lord. (Lead your helper in the sinner’s prayer)
D. Now that you are a servant of Christ, you have the power to be free.
(Cut the ropes from the helper’s ears.) You don’t have to listen to the garbage on the radio or television. You are free to serve God with your whole heart. You are free to do what God wants you to do.

Closing: Close by reviewing the message a little and by giving the children an opportunity to make a decision to serve Jesus. If everyone is saved, you could pray for unsaved friends and family.