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Don’t Be Blinded

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: We should remove from our lives anything that would get in the way. And we should remove the sin that so easily catches us. Let us look only to Jesus. He is the one who began our faith, and makes our faith perfect. Hebrews 12:1-2


1 Volunteer to be Jesus
Sign that says “Jesus”
1 Volunteer for the front of the room
1 pair of sunglasses (large clown glasses)
Small pieces of paper with sins written on them: friends, sports, TV, Video games, music, lying, disobeying, cheating, stealing, name calling, cursing, hate




-Today we want to study some important verses in the Bible

(Put up the overhead and have a volunteer read the verses. Then the teacher should read the verse out loud Leave the verse displayed during the lesson so you can easily refer to it during the lesson.)

-Ask the kids what they think this of this verse-what do they think it means?
-Today we are going to show you what it means.

Object lesson:

Instructions: Choose a volunteer to be Jesus. Have them hold the sign that says “Jesus”. Have them stand at the back of the room. Choose another volunteer to stand at the front. Give them the sunglasses to wear. Once they have the sunglasses on begin the illustration.

-Ask the volunteer at the front: Can you see Jesus? Have them point to where He is standing. Ask what he is wearing.
-So you can see Jesus really clearly.
-I want you to keep your eyes on Jesus just like this Bible verse teaches us-no matter what I do to you.
-Today we are going to learn why it is so important for us to keep our eyes on Jesus.
-We are also going to learn why we need to remove things that might get in our way from serving Jesus.
-We are going to learn why we need to get rid of sin.
-Today we are going to learn why God gave us these instructions in the Bible.
-What are some things that might get in the way of us serving God? Notice I did not say what are some sins. I want you to tell me things that might get in the way and prevent us from serving God.

(Let the kids respond with their ideas. Then you read off one of your labels. As you do tape it to the glasses-on the side.)

-Now ask the volunteer “Can you still see Jesus?”
-Continue to read off the things that might get in your way of serving God. As you read them off, tape them to the glasses – starting on the outside and working towards the center. Each time ask the volunteer if they can still see Jesus. They should be able to answer yes, but may complain about some of the papers)

-Now what are some sins we need to remove from our lives? Why is it important to remove them?

(Let the kids respond. Then you can read off your labels. As you do tape them to the glasses-eventually blocking the view of Jesus.)

-Now ask the volunteer “Can you still see Jesus?
-There answer should be no.

Conclusion: Once we decide to live for Jesus it is important for us to keep our life focused on serving Jesus. In order to do this we need to get rid of things that distract us and sin. If we get focused on sin and distractions then we cannot focus on Jesus.

End: You could end one of 2 ways –depending on the time you have.

1. Have the kids bow their heads and think about things in their life that distract them from Jesus – sin or just a distraction. Challenge them to remove those things today. Pray. Have them pray after you.

2. If you have time you could divide into groups of 3-4 (Use Pinkie, Josh, Keith, Carmen, etc) to take a group. Have each group talk about things that distract them and sin they need to remove. Have the groups pray for each other.