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Fake Fruit

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: These people show honor to me with words, but their hearts are far away from me. Their worship of me is worthless. The things they teach are nothing but human rules they have memorized. Matthew 15:8-9


Fruit in a basket
Some pieces should be fake but hard to tell that they are



-Talk about how much you like fruit.
-Talk specifically about one kind of fruit that you like (It should be the fake one)
-Decide to take a piece of the “fake” fruit to eat.
-Try to bite it.
-You realize it is fake.
-Try another piece of fruit – It is real.

This reminds me of a group of people in the Bible that Jesus talks about.

They are fake Christians

He says, “These people –these fake Christians – they honor me with their words but their hearts are far from me.”

Fake Christians may look good on the outside.

They may go to church.

They know all the right things to say

They know how to act but they are far from God

We should be a fake Christian – We need to worship God in truth.